Showing posts with label FAN Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FAN Club. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2018

George Hartley Did NOT Go To That Meeting

In previous posts I have speculated that Solomon Hartley (1775-1815) had a brother George Hartley who was also a mariner/rigger in the Northern Liberties area of Philadelphia in the early 1800s.  Here is a notice by this George Hartley declaring that he did not attend a meeting at the widow Clothier's ("sign of the Beehive") for raising wages:

The Subscriber,
Hereby gives notice to those Journeymen
Riggers who held a meeting at the widow
Clothier, sign of the Beehive, on the 15th inst.
for the purpose of raising their wages, that will
please to come forward, in a public manner and
clear me of the false report which has gone a-
broad, that I had attended the said meeting and
approved of the proceeding.  In case of neglect-
ing to do this, I shall consider them as the au-
thors of the report, and prosecute them to the
full extent of the law, for using my name to
serve their puposes, and to the injury of my
George HartleyMay 22--d3t

We, the Subscribers
Journeymen Riggers, do in this public man-
ner declare that neither George Hartley,
nor Martin Brown, were at the meeing held at
the widow Clothier's on the 15th inst. neither
has any of us said that they were.  We therefore
clear them of the false report that has gone a-
Joseph Wills,
Solomon Hartly,
George Ekhart,
John Mirkil,
Simon Johnson***,
Joseph Brown, x his mark.
Daniel Mark
Asa B. Bramble,
John Cristi,
Peter Walters,
F. F. Schluck,
Peter Fox, x his mark.
James Chembers,
George Carr,
John Walker, x his mark.
Frederick Keller [or Ketler?]
May 22--d3dt

"We, the Subscribers," Philadelphia Gazette (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), May 25, 1809, page 4, col. 3; digital image, GenealogyBank ( : 24 March 2018).

More names for the Solomon Hartley FAN club!

***Simon Johnson was known to be Solomon Hartley's brother-in-law: Solomon Hartley married Mary Gwinnup, and Simon Johnson married Elizabeth Gwinnup, Mary's sister.  Simon Johnson's son, Joseph A. Kelting, was my grandfather George W. Hartley's (1805-1880) first cousin.  Joseph Kelting was active in the Mormon church for many years.

© 2018 Copyright, Christine Manczuk, All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Limited Time Free Webinar: Catherine B. Wiest Desmarais presents "From Baltimore to Burlington: Hazen P. Day's Neighbors Bring Him Home"

I've been going through my 4th great grandfather Solomon Hartley's neighbors and associates in Philadelphia for years now, trying to see if I can find any more hints about his ancestry:

Solomon Joseph Hartley
Update on Solomon Joseph Hartley;
Update on the Update
Brick Wall part 1;
Brick Wall part 2;
Some Notes on People living along Coates' in Philadelphia circa 1810)

Plus, today I submit a summary of people living at the same address as Solomon Hartley in the Philadelphia directories (1807-1814):

Emlen's Court
Barber John M (1768-1828?) bricklayer Emlen's court
Hartly Solomon, rigger Emlen's court
Parker Phoebe widow Emlen's court

Emlen's Court
Barber John M. bricklayer Emlen's court
Hartley Solomon, rigger Emlen's court
Miller Michael, shoemaker Emlen's court
Wiley (?) Richard (1765-1842), ship joiner Emlen's court
 (note: "Wildey Richard, shipjoiner, Emlin's court" in 1809 city directory:

43 Coates'
Hartley Soloman, rigger 43 Coates'
Stackhouse H. [Hastings?] (1781-1840)hatter 43 Coates' alley

43 Coates'
Anderson John, rigger, near 43 Coates'
Hartley Solomon, rigger, 43 Coates'

49 Browne/Brown
Fisher, Jacob (1777-1850) 49 Brown
Hartley Solomon 49 Browne
Shaffer John, tanner back 49 Browne

49 Browne/Brown
Fisher George, drover 49 Browne
Fisher Jacob, carpenter 49 Browne
(note by 1830 Philadelphia city directory has him as "Fisher Jacob, house carp 50 Browne")
Hartley Solomon, mariner 49 Browne
Shaffer John, tanner back 49 Browne

I feel confident that he at least knew these people listed at the same address.  What relation or association they had with Solomon is as yet unknown, but they are leads.

I was very happy to see a similar FAN-type approach in a webinar presented this week by Catherine B. Wiest Desmarais, "From Baltimore to Burlington: Hazen P. Day's Neighbors Bring Him Home:"
A Maryland resident claimed an 1816 Vermont birth to Vermont-born parents, but no known record provides his specific birthplace or his parents' or siblings' names. Studying his ties to his neighbors and those associates who shared close geographic, vocational, political and religious proximity brings a Maryland man home to his Vermont family. Learn how the presenter analyzed, correlated, and  assembled common and lesser-known records to build a persuasive case.

Board for Certification of Genealogists
Runs 1 hour 11 minutes
Free to non-subscribers through March 27, 2018

© 2018 Copyright, Christine Manczuk, All Rights Reserved.