Showing posts with label Lambeth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lambeth. Show all posts

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Sunday Drive: The Garden Museum, London, England - 2013

After visiting Scotland, York and Liverpool we headed for London where we checked into Russell House Hotel* for the next phase of our trip to the U.K.

While researching places to see in London I had discovered there's a Garden Museum located in a deconsecrated church next to Lambeth Palace on the south side of the River Thames so of course we had to go there.**

While my photos of the interior didn't turn out well, we also enjoyed the garden, which includes the tomb of the famous gardener John Tradescant (c1570 – 1638) who had an enormous influence on England gardens.

The other standing tomb is that of Captain William Bligh (of H.M.S. Bounty).

[All photos from my personal collection]

*This was at Lyn's suggestion as she and her family had stayed there and it certainly fulfilled my requirements for lodging that's "clean, safe and cheap" plus it's conveniently located next to the Russell Square Tube Station, around the corner from Russell Square itself and only a few blocks from the British Museum. It's not fashionable or stylish but we enjoyed our toast, cornflakes and tea breakfasts every morning.
** London is a very walkable city and fortunately for us Lyn knows it very well so we didn't have to rely on maps or guidebooks.

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