Oh goody! Some more info on my elusive 4th great grandfather, Job Taylor (1800-1805). Johnson County, Iowa, Probate Record, Book 4: page 24, Record of the Estate of Job Taylor, 1850; FHL microfilm 985943; digital images, Ancestry.com database Iowa, Wills and Probate Records, 1758-1997, Johnson County, Probate Records, Vol 3-5, 1847-1857 (https://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=9064 : 17 February 2018), image start 298. |
Record of the Estate of Job Taylor. Wm. Manatt Ad.
State of Iowa
Letters of Administration
Johnson County
The State of Iowa, to all known these presents shall come greeting
Know ye that whereas Job Taylor late of the county of Johnson in the state of Iowa died intestate as it is said on or about the 29 day of Aug. 1850 having at the same time personal property and real estate in this state, which may be lost, destroyed, or diminished in value, if speedy care be not taken of the same.- To the end therefore that said property maybe collected and preserved for those who shall appear to have a legal right or inerest therein, we, do hereby appoint William Manatt of the county of Johnson Administrator of all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and and credits, of the said deceased, with full power and authroity to collect and secure the property and debts belonging to said estate, in whose hands a possesion the same may be, in this state, and to fully Administer and settle said estate, and in general to do and perform all other acts which now are or hereafter may be required of him by law as administrator as aforesaid.
In Testimony whereof, I, Daniel G [S?] Warren Judge of Probate in and for the county of Johnson, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court at Iowa City in said county this 26 day of Sept. A.D. 1850.
Daniel L. Warren
Judge of Probate
carried over
Record of Estate of Job Taylor. Continued.
Sept. 26
State of Iowa, Johnson County // ss. Administrators Bond.
Know all men by these presents, That we, William Manatt as principal, and Jacob Hull as securities, of the county of Johnson and state of Iowa, are held and firmly bound unto Daniel S. Warren as Judge of Probate in and for said county of Johnson, and his successors in office in the penal sum of two hundred dollars, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which well and truly to be made and performed, We, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, andministratos and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents, signed with our hands, and sealed with our seals, this 26 day of Sept. A.D. 1850. = The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the above bound William Manatt, has been appointed administrator of the estate of Job Taylor late of Johnson county deceased. = Now if the said William Manatt, shall make and return unto the Probate Court for the county of Johnson within three months, a true Inventory of all the real estate, and all the goods and chattells, rights and credits, of the deceased, that have or shall come to his possesion or knowledge, and shall administer accordig to law and the goods, chattels, rights and credits, of the deceased, and the proceeds of all his real estate that may be sold for the payments of his debts which shall come at any time to his possession, or to the possession of any person, for he shall render upon oath a true account of his administration within one year, and at any time when required by the Judge of Probate, shall pay any balance remaining in his hands with(?) settlement of his accounds, to such persons as the Judge of Probate shall direct, and deliver the letters of administration into the Probate court, in case any will of the deceased shall be hereafter duly proved and allowed, then and in that case these presents and everything herein expressed shall be absolutely null and void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue.
This is to certify that I
have examined this bond and do hereby approve the same and the securities Sept. 26. 1850.
William Manatt [Seal]
Jacob Hull [Seal]
Daniel S. Warren, Judge of Probate
Iowa City, Iowa
Record Continued.= Warrant of Appraisement,
Sept. 26.
State of Iowa, Johnson County // ss.
To James Shaff, Henry Bogers [Rogers?], and Wm. Gathercole
you are hereby appointed to appraise on oath the
estate and effects of Job Taylor late of Johnson
county deceased.
When you have performed that serice you will
deliver this warrant and your doings in pusuance
thereof to William Manatt, adminitrator of said deceased,
that he may return the same to this court.
In witness whereof, I. Daniel S. Warren, Judge
of Probate, in and for said county of Johnson,
have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
seal of said court at Iowa City this 26 day of
Sept. A.D. 1850,
Daniel S. Warren, Judge of Probate
Oath to Appraisers,
We and each of us do solemnly swear, that we
will well and truly appraise the estate and effects
of Job Taylor, late of Johnson County. deceased, to
the best of our ability and understanding so help us God.
James Shaff
Henry Rogers (Bogers?)
William Gathercole
Inventory and appraisement Bill
Oct. 7
Of the property of Job Taylor Dec'd $
One cooking stove $12, =one bureau $9.
one clock $2, = one table $2,
one lot shoe makers tools + 5 shears
Knife Bowl and Knife Box
A lot of capenters [sic] tools
A lot of pot-mettle
Crockery wear $3, Barrells $1,
Old Irons $3, One axe $1, horse gearing $6
Loom accoutrements
Record of the Estate of Job Taylor
Oct. 7.
Spinning Wheel $1, Carpet $2,
looking glass, 50. C. Molds yc[?], 37.
one short gun $4, one rifle gun $8.
Flax and Toe[?] $1, -3 bags or sacks, 50.
one horse carriage $20, = one horse wagon $18 1/2
lumber $2.37. Wheat + oats in stack $30
lots of Hoggs $18, = 4 Beds + bedding $12
one yoke of oxen $45. = 2 cows $20
three calves $6, = 1 yearling heifer $5.50
8 Sheep $8, = 2 ploughs $7.
2 scythes + cradle $2.50. 19 lbs. Bolls[?] $7, 12 1/2
9.62 1/2
We James Shaff Henry Rogers + William
Gathercole do here certify that the above
articles was duly appraised by use as the prop-
erty of Job Taylor Deceased, on the 7 day of October A.D. 1850.
James Shaff
Henry Rogers
William Gathercole
Washtub and board not sold
one tea kettle not sold
spools not sold
Record continued, Order for sale of personal property.
Sept. 26.
State of Iowa, Johnson County. ss
To William Manat Administrator of the estate of Job Taylor, late of Johnson county deceased,
it appearing to the satisfaction of this court that
it becomes necessary to sell the personal property belong.
to said estate to pay the debts there of and the costs of
These are therfor in the name of
the state of Iowa, to authorise, instruct and empower
you, to sell at public or private sale, the personal
property belonging to the said estate of the said
Job Taylor, deceased, and for so doing this shall
be your sufficient order.
In witness whereof, I have here unto
set my hand and affixed the seal of
said court at Iowa City this 26 day of
Sept. 1850.
Daniel S. Warren, Jude of Probate.
Sale of the Bill of the Estate of Job Taylor
Oct. 8
Wm Manatt, one Pickling tub
$0.12 1/2 [might be $11.12 1/2]
Lewis Van Buskirk one Barrell
Wm. Manatt, one small Barrell
Wm. Britten half Bushel + Basket
Thomas Watters, pot, hooks, and dipper
Lewis Van Buskirk, one shovel
James Watters, one log-chane
A. W. Young, one chane + tramel
" " " Trace chanes
Clark Lemly Basket + Irons
Jerry Highett one Big kettle
Clark Lemly 2 axes + clevis[?]
S. A. Watters. hoe, shovel + lantern
R. W. Gray, Cooking stove etc
Lewis Van Buskirk one Bureau
$34.21 1/2
Record of Job Taylor estate continued
Oct. 8
Amount brot forward
$34.21 1/2
Richard Patterson one clock
Alfred Marshal one Breakfast table
Ira A. Parker 8 largest hogs
" " " 12 Shotes
Wm. Manatt, one sett breast chains
A. W. Young one square + 1/2 inch auger
Jerry Highett, one drawing knife
Samuel Oliver 2 augers and dividers
A. P. Templeton one hand saw
L. P. Young, 2 chisells + auger
James Shaff, Little Spinning wheel
S. A. Walters 2 candlesticks,
candle molds, sausage stuffer
.37 1/2
Alfred Marshall one coffee mill + boiler
M. W. Budd one tin pale one wooden pale
A. W. Young, 2 wooden boles + tin pan
Jerry Highett, one sifter and 2 battles
Alfred Marshall Stone Churn
Clark Lemly 2 crocks, 2 Jugs, one pitcher
Wm. Van Buskirk one sett plates
" " " one sett Tea-cups + saucers
Thomas Watters one sett Tea saucers
" " plates, Tea cups + saucers
J. Stilling 5 plates
Jacob Hull shelf ware
.18 3/4
Wm. Van Buskirk 3 chairs
John Maples 3 chairs
Richard Patterson 3 sacks
Samuel Oliver loom geares
1.37 1/2
Richard Patterson 2 reeds
Ira Parker a lot of flax
S. P. Young carpet
Charles Edmundson, one Rifle gun
A. W. Young smooth bon[?] rifle
John Maples one sett britchen
Clark Lemly sett britchen
carried forward
$98.74 1/4
Record of Job Taylor estate continued
Oct 8
Amount brot forward
$98.74 1/4
Clark Lemly lines
Richard Patterson 2 Bridles and hatters
S. P. Young one horse collar
Wm. Snider one horse collar
Wm. Van Buskirk Washtub, board + tea kettle
" " " One Mourning scythe
Alfred Marshall one scythe + cradle
Thomas Watters knives fork and spoons
Clark Lemly one box chest
Hiram Wasson, Buggy + harness
29.12 1/2
Lewis van Buskirk Door latches
Alfred Marshall one 2 horse wagon
Lewis van Buskirk one sled and lumber
Henry Rogers, The West stack of wheat
" " Middle stack " "
" " East " " "
Lewis Van Buskirk lot sheaf oats
Samuel Ledenbucker [?] Pitchfork
J. Stillings A lot of corn in field
S. P. Young one Bell
James Watters
one yoke oxen
John Maples 2 calves
Clark Lemly one heifer
Wm. Turnip [?] ??? One Red Cow
Samuel Oliver one line back cow
13.37 1/2
John Maples 8 sheep
Wm. Van Buskirk one play. $5.80.=shovel plow, 85.
Clark Lemly one red calf
$324.46 3/4
I hereby certify that the above is a
true list of the property sold at the sale of Job Taylor Deceased, this 8th day of Oct. 1850.
fees $1.25
Wm. L. Griffiths, Clerk of said sale
William Maynatt administrator of Job Taylor Dec.
has Credit for the following receipts - for
money paid on debts vs. said estate.
paid David Bunker
" Daniel S. Warren
" Wm Maynatt
" Jacob Hull
" S. Workman for Tax
" Wm Griffith
" do do
" W. H. Rouseau
" J. R. King
" Thomas Waters
Administrators allowed
This account transfered to
page 17 Executors accounts.
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