Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sunday Drive: Middleton Place - 2008

Bonnie and I arrived at Middleton Place during our 2008 visit to South Carolina and Georgia was far more prosaic than these folks.*

We were there to see the grounds which are the site of the oldest landscaped gardens in America, begun in the first half of the 18th century. Our tour guide assured us the she and the other docents had already scanned the area that morning and we weren't likely to encounter any alligators on the paths.

After visiting the formal gardens we walked around the lake which afforded us some stunning views. At the start of this part of our visit, we noticed that something was causing a large ripple in the middle of the lake.

As we continued our stroll along the lakeside path we realized the cause after the creature emerged from the water on the other side of the lake.

[All photos from my personal collection]

We finished our visit with lunch at the MIddleton Place Restaurant. The only thing I remember from that meal is the Golden Rice Pudding I had for dessert.

*Instead we arrived via our little white rental car.

© 2018 Copyright, Christine Manczuk, All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Ten years ago already! I do remember the gators, bit unnerving. I only remember that the setting for lunch was quite nice.
