[Panoramic view of West Point, New York showing American encampments on the Hudson River, Published in: The American Revolution in drawings and prints; a checklist of 1765-1790 graphics in the Library of Congress / Compiled by Donald H. Cresswell, with a foreword by Sinclair H. Hitchings. Washington. Source: Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington, D.C.]
Most of the 58 pages in this maternal 4th great grandfather's file in the National Archives* relate to his widow Mercy Phillips' ten-year struggle to prove that she and David Darling were actually married so she could collect the pension due her.
But David's original declaration is included giving us his story of military service during the Revolution. Note that his surname is spelled Darlin here.
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[Revolutionary War Pension, Massachusetts. fold3.com] |
Original Declaration
State of New York
Cortland County on this 2nd day of October personally appeared in open court before the Court of Common pleas now sitting David Darlin a Resident of Virgil in the County of Cortland and State of New York aged Seventy one year the 21st of October next who being duly Sworn according to law doth on his oath makes the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed the Seventh June 1832
That he entered the Service of the united States under the following named officers and and Served as herein Stated
I enlisted in Menden Woster County in the State of Masachusetts under Capt Luke Hitchcock and I was in Col Sprouts Regiment and General Glovers Brigade and Served at fishkill the fore part of the time and the Rest of the time at west point both in the State of New York and I enlisted for Six months and Served the time out and was discharged at west point I enlisted in September 1777 General Washington and General Lee were both at west point a part of the time. I have no documentary evidence and that I know of no other evidence or person whose testimony I can procure who can testify to my Service.
I hereby Relinquish every Claim Whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of any State
Sworn and Subscribed this his
day and year aforesaid David + Darlin
Supplemental Information, Undated***
I was born in Menden Masachusetts 1761
I have no Record in my possession of my age but there is a Record of my age in Gouchester in the State of Rhodeisland
I lived in Menden Masachusetts when called into Service and have lived in Gochester Rhodeisland about twenty four year and Since that in Norwitch New York and for the last twelve years in Virgil New York
I enlisted
General Washington and General Lee were with the army at west point
I do not Remember the names of any particular Regiment
I Received a discharge it was Signed by Luke Hitchcock and I have lost it
I am Known to Roswell Craw David Snider Daniel Price and all the inhabitants of the east part of Virgil and Elder Ambrose Burlingame and Gorton Parker
Below is the official brief in David Darlin's pension case summarizing his service. He was awarded $20 per annum, retroactive to March 4, 1831.
And here is the entry recording the David's final pension payment in 1839. He's buried in Virgil Rural Cemetery.
My connection to this ancestor is through my maternal grandmother Anna Delilah Webb (Slater), the daughter of Jesse David Webb whose mother, Mercy Ann Darling, was this David Darling's granddaughter through his son, another David Darling (1805-1895).
*And available for viewing online through fold3.com.
**The grammar, spelling and lack of punctuation are in the original.
***This page doesn't appear to be part of the David's original declaration.
© 2016 Copyright, Christine Manczuk, All Rights Reserved.
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